Source code for scpython.model.scparticle

from scpython.model.article import Article
from scpython.options import Branch, Language
import re

[docs]class ScpArticle(Article): """Represents an SCP Article on Wikidot. **Attributes** page_source :class:`str` — The SCP's text. number :class:`str` — The SCP's number. Also works for Joke SCPs. branch :class:`Branch` — The SCP's original branch. language :class:`Language` — The fetched SCP's language. is_joke :class:`boolean` — Whether the SCP has a -J flag. full_code :class:`str` — The SCP's full code (``"SCP-XXXX-LANG-J"``). """ def __init__(self, data): super().__init__(data) self.page_source = data["page_source"] self.is_joke = "joke" in self.tags self.full_code = data["full_code"] self.number ="SCP-([^-]+)", self.full_code).group(1) self.language = data["language"] self.branch = data["branch"]
[docs] def toJson(self): """Turns the data into a dictionary. **Return** json :class:`dict` — A dictionary containing all of the SCP article's data. """ article = super().toJson() return { **article, "page_source": self.page_source, "is_joke": self.is_joke, "number": self.number, "full_code": self.full_code, "language": self.language, "branch": self.branch }